Soulon Education

Soulon Education

We participate in the self-initiated growth of individuals and families


Soulon Chinese Curriculum

Our online courses and textbook curriculum are designed especially for English-speaking learners. Whether you prefer textbook-style or on-your-own-pace style learning, our curriculum will offer you a challenging yet user-friendly learning experience. 


Soulon Travel-Studies

Our custom theme-based travel-studies give the participants a first hand experience of the language and culture. Designed for English-speaking learners of Chinese to travel from US to China, OR for Chinese-speaking learners of English to travel from China to US.


Soulon Psychology

Participate in in-depth psychology courses presented by Dr. Gisela Jia at various cities in China, or lectures from renowned guest-speakers of the psychology field here in the US.


Soulon Classroom

Located in NYC, Children's Chinese Book Garden (CCBG) puts to practice our Soulon Chinese curriculum.


Soulon English

Our consultation service designed for English learners and educators in China.